пятница, 4 июня 2010 г.

Tractor Tillers

A tractor tiller (cultivator) is a tool for farmers which they use to turn and cultivate the soil. There are many types and models of tillers, but the “tractor tiller” term usually refers to a device with rotating blades that is usually attached to the tractor and pulled behind. Sometimes, farmers called tractor tillers a “rotary tiller”, and the main purpose is to cultivate row crops.

Many various kinds and types of tillers were created using motor engine power. Some tillers are self-powered, like the small roto tillers home gardeners used by. Tractor tillers are usually mounted on two- or four- wheeled tractor and they are much wider and bigger than garden tillers.

Tractor tillers are mostly used by farmers to cultivate row ground, and for soil that has been already used. Typically, tillers are used to prepare the soil for the seeds, but it also be used for the tillage of the hard ground. Sometimes tractor tillers can be used to mix various components for blend of potting soil.

Normally the tractor tillers are 40-120 inches wide, and the working depth of cultivating 6-10 inches. Three types of blades are used in tillers – slasher, chisel and bolo tines. Slasher is used for plant the roots and it has the shortest blades. Chisel is designed to work with rocky soil. Bolo tines are wide and they are most used by farmers.

Usually farmers firstly use slasher tines to turn and break roots and sod and then when the grass has been turned they use bolo blades to care about clogs. Finally to get the light and fine soil bed which is now ready for seed chisel tines used.

There are two types of tractor tillers with reverse and standard rotation. Reverse tillers are used to get more deeper and intense line of tilling and is used generally to plow soften terrain.

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